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LED Lighting

Engineered to be maintenance-free and 30% more efficient than commercial LED lighting.

Unbeatable Combination for Unbeatable Returns

Experience the future of commercial lighting with our no-capex Lighting as a Service (LaaS) model, paired with premium, investment-grade LED lights. This innovative approach eliminates upfront costs, allowing you to modernize your lighting systems without impacting your financial resources. Enjoy lower operational costs while enhancing your portfolio's sustainability and appeal. Our comprehensive service includes replacements, ensuring optimal performance and freeing you to focus on core business activities.

  • Fixed monthly fee without Capex or borrowing
  • Turnkey installation portfolio-wide
  • Maintenance included with replacements in 24 hours
About LaaS ➜
  • Investment-grade Japanese LED lighting
  • 30% more energy efficient than commercial LEDs
  • 0.1% replacement rate in first five years

Take your next step to operational efficiency

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